Thursday, May 1, 2008

Student Teaching Placement

After years of wondering, I received a letter in the mail Tuesday evening including my student teaching placement: Tallmadge High School. I was thrilled to receive the letter and I'm very pleased with where I am placed. I feel as though everything is coming together and it is hard to believe that I will be student teaching and graduating in a year! I have literally dreamed about being a teacher since I was five years old. I would read to my class before I could actually read!

Tallmadge High School seems to be a great place for my student teaching experience. I have heard nothing but good things about the school district altogether. In high school, I was involved in a mentorship program that allowed me to go to Tallmadge High School to observe a teacher to see if I would actually like to pursue teaching as a career. I was welcomed warmly by both the faculty and the students, and I will never forget how comfortable I felt while I was there. Though I was only 18 years old at the time, I still was able to obtain ideas for use in my own classroom in the future. In my Women's Lit class last semester, a girl asked me if I was a student teacher at Tallmadge a couple years earlier. After being totally confused for a second, I remembered that she was in the class that I observed. She rememebered me! I thought that was pretty cool. Overall, everyone was nice to me when I was there for my mentorship. They made a lasting impression on me, so I can't wait to get to know the classes I will be working with all next year!

Visit Tallmadge High School's website!


Anonymous said...

Julie that is sooo exciting! I'm glad you got placed at the school that you wanted, and it's awesome that you already had such a great experience there. It must take a lot of the worry out of it. I can't wait to hear from Barberton. I really hope none of us end up with horror stories from student teaching... I bet you are crazy excited to start your student teaching now! Yay!

Miss Lindsey Biltz said...


I am so glad you have been placed and happy to know you are as excited as I am. I felt the exact same way the other day when I received that wonderful letter in the mail! I have been very stressed this semester and that gave me a boost of confidence! It was exactly what I needed to get through finals week. I agree with Therese and I hope everyone has a great experience at their school, with their cooperating teacher and the students. Congratulations Julie!